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Articles & Resources

Winter Safety for Your Furry Friends: Tips from Let's Go Canine

01/30/24: Posted by Let's Go Canine

Ensuring a Safe and Joyful Winter for Your Dog

At Let's Go Canine, we don't just offer dog daycare – we create a unique and nurturing environment where every dog is treated as an individual. Our award-winning, family-owned daycare in Haverhill is dedicated to enhancing the bond between humans and canines. As winter approaches, it's crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of your furry friends. Here are our top tips for keeping your dog safe and happy during the colder months.

 Protecting Paws from the Cold

Winter can be tough on a dog's paws. Ice, snow, and even de-icing salts can cause dryness, cracking, and irritation. Consider using dog booties for outdoor adventures, or apply a paw balm before and after walks to protect their pads. Regularly check your dog's paws for signs of injury or discomfort.

Keeping Warm on Walks

Just like us, dogs can feel the cold too, especially smaller breeds and those with short fur. A well-fitted dog coat can provide extra warmth on chilly days. Remember, if it's too cold for you, it's probably too cold for your dog as well.

Safe Outdoor Play

We all know dogs love playing in the snow, but it's important to monitor outdoor playtime. Keep your dog away from frozen ponds or lakes to prevent accidents. After playtime, wipe down your dog's legs, belly, and paws to remove any ice or toxic substances like antifreeze.

Adjusting Food and Water

Dogs might need more calories in the winter to stay warm. However, it's important to balance this with their activity level to avoid weight gain. Ensure your dog has access to fresh, unfrozen water at all times to stay hydrated.

Indoor Enrichment

On days when the weather is too harsh, indoor enrichment is key. Keep your dog mentally stimulated with puzzle toys, treat games, and indoor play. This is where a daycare like Let's Go Canine can be invaluable, providing socialization and activity regardless of the weather.

Beware of Winter Toxins

Winter brings its own set of hazards, such as antifreeze and rodent poisons. These substances are highly toxic to dogs. Keep them out of reach and wipe your dog's paws and underbelly after walks to remove any potentially harmful residues.

Regular Health Checks

Cold weather can exacerbate certain health conditions like arthritis. Keep up with regular vet visits and monitor your dog for any signs of discomfort or illness. 

Visit Us at Let's Go Canine

Our central location in Haverhill, just off I-495, makes us an accessible winter haven for your dog. We understand the unique needs of each dog and provide a safe, fun, and caring environment, ensuring they stand out as individuals, not just another face in the crowd. 

At Let's Go Canine, we believe that a safe dog is a happy dog, especially in winter. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry friend enjoys the winter season safely and joyfully. And for those days when you need a little extra help, our team at Let's Go Canine is here to provide your dog with a warm, fun, and engaging daycare experience. Let's make this winter a memorable one for your canine companion!

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